Number of accidents: 0
Times ended on the potty: 0
Times started on the potty: 8
Times self-initiated: 0
Times peed on Mom: 0
Ounces of Tang consumed: 20
Today couldn't really have gone any better. I just went back to normal life, albeit with the added responsibility of taking Sven to the potty every once in a while. And guess what? He was dry all day! Woot!
From past experience, I know that this is not the end. Your first "dry all day" is always a fluke. But it's still an encouraging fluke. Today gives me the motivation I needed to keep going next week.
Number of accidents: 0
Times ended on the potty: 0
Times started on the potty: 8
Times self-initiated: 0
Times peed on Mom: 0
Ounces of Tang consumed: 20
Today couldn't really have gone any better. I just went back to normal life, albeit with the added responsibility of taking Sven to the potty every once in a while. And guess what? He was dry all day! Woot!
From past experience, I know that this is not the end. Your first "dry all day" is always a fluke. But it's still an encouraging fluke. Today gives me the motivation I needed to keep going next week.