Number of accidents: 12
Times ended on the potty: 3
Times started on the potty: 0
Times self-initiated: 0
Times peed on Mom: 2
Ounces of Tang consumed: 20
I took the plunge and began potty training today. My intention is to be really hard core about it for the next two weeks and if it doesn't stick ... well, then I guess we'll be waiting until next year. So it's now or never. Hopefully now.
This is how my day went:
7:30 am - I'm getting Sven up for the day and, since I'm still not committed to this potty training thing, leaving him in his nighttime diaper.
8:00 am - Breakfast is over and I'm sticking Sven in the tub, then calling my friend for an hour long pep talk.
9:00 am - I'm getting Sven out of the tub and deciding to use the bare butt method, mostly because I don't want to go get my 18 mo underwear from the storage unit.
10:30 am - I'm rejoicing because I have "caught" 2 of Sven's pees mid-stream and helped him to end on the potty. I think: he's getting it!
10:45 am - I'm changing into my last clean pair of jeans because I have been peed on.
11:00 am - I'm not changing my pants even though I have just been peed and pooped on.
11:10 am - We're going to play outside. Sven has a sweater, knee high socks, and a bare butt.
12:00 am - We're coming back in for lunch. Sven has had two accidents while outside
12:15 am - Huzzah! Another hit!
1:00 pm - I'm putting Sven into a diaper and down for a nap. I'm so glad to have a break from watching his butt.
3:50 pm - Sven is waking; I'm de-diapering him and taking him to the potty for a dry run.
4:00 pm - I'm sending all children out to play and informing Sven that he can join them after he goes pee.
5:00 pm - I'm bringing all children inside. Sven still hasn't peed
5:20 pm - Sven pees in a box of play dough! Gross!
7:00 pm - I'm putting Sven into a diaper and to bed; he's peed on the floor 3 more times and doesn't care. We've had no success since naptime but I'm feeling optimistic about tomorrow.
Number of accidents: 12
Times ended on the potty: 3
Times started on the potty: 0
Times self-initiated: 0
Times peed on Mom: 2
Ounces of Tang consumed: 20
I took the plunge and began potty training today. My intention is to be really hard core about it for the next two weeks and if it doesn't stick ... well, then I guess we'll be waiting until next year. So it's now or never. Hopefully now.
This is how my day went:
7:30 am - I'm getting Sven up for the day and, since I'm still not committed to this potty training thing, leaving him in his nighttime diaper.
8:00 am - Breakfast is over and I'm sticking Sven in the tub, then calling my friend for an hour long pep talk.
9:00 am - I'm getting Sven out of the tub and deciding to use the bare butt method, mostly because I don't want to go get my 18 mo underwear from the storage unit.
10:30 am - I'm rejoicing because I have "caught" 2 of Sven's pees mid-stream and helped him to end on the potty. I think: he's getting it!
10:45 am - I'm changing into my last clean pair of jeans because I have been peed on.
11:00 am - I'm not changing my pants even though I have just been peed and pooped on.
11:10 am - We're going to play outside. Sven has a sweater, knee high socks, and a bare butt.
12:00 am - We're coming back in for lunch. Sven has had two accidents while outside
12:15 am - Huzzah! Another hit!
1:00 pm - I'm putting Sven into a diaper and down for a nap. I'm so glad to have a break from watching his butt.
3:50 pm - Sven is waking; I'm de-diapering him and taking him to the potty for a dry run.
4:00 pm - I'm sending all children out to play and informing Sven that he can join them after he goes pee.
5:00 pm - I'm bringing all children inside. Sven still hasn't peed
5:20 pm - Sven pees in a box of play dough! Gross!
7:00 pm - I'm putting Sven into a diaper and to bed; he's peed on the floor 3 more times and doesn't care. We've had no success since naptime but I'm feeling optimistic about tomorrow.