Number of accidents: 8
Times ended on the potty: 0
Times started on the potty: 6
Times self-initiated: 4!
Times peed on Mom: 0
Ounces of Tang consumed: 22
Sven is slowly, but surely, "getting it". I'm feeling hopeful. Although, I must admit that I was feeling hopeless this morning. I was totally ready to give up. That's when Sven, for the first time all week, told me that he wanted to go pee. And he was right! When I helped him with his undies, he sat himself down and peed. Huzzah!
Number of accidents: 8
Times ended on the potty: 0
Times started on the potty: 6
Times self-initiated: 4!
Times peed on Mom: 0
Ounces of Tang consumed: 22
Sven is slowly, but surely, "getting it". I'm feeling hopeful. Although, I must admit that I was feeling hopeless this morning. I was totally ready to give up. That's when Sven, for the first time all week, told me that he wanted to go pee. And he was right! When I helped him with his undies, he sat himself down and peed. Huzzah!