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Milestone: First Laugh

Last night, we had some neighbors over for dinner.  Their family is awesome -- but moving this weekend! -- so we took advantage of our last chance to spend some time together.  Their 10-, 8-, and 6-year-old kids played with Soren and Carl all evening, making a huge ruckus in the bedroom and entertaining my older boys to no end.  Their 13-year-old (who often babysits for game night) sat by Sven's bouncer and talked with him, tickling his feet.

Sven was loving all the attention.  He was smiling so big it made him slouch in his bouncer.  Then he let out a charming little chuckle followed by a squeal of delight; it was his first real laugh!

The family's dad told us that in Navajo culture, a baby's first laugh marks his birth as a social being.  And the person who makes the baby laugh is given the honor of organizing a First Laugh Ceremony, which is a celebration of the baby's generosity.

I like this idea of the baby's birth as a social creature.  It is inspiring to me that tied to it is the virtue of generosity.  As humans, we do need each other.  But let us not forget that we are blessed not only when we receive from each other but also when we exercise our capacity to give.  We were never meant to do it alone.  We were meant to be interdependent.  I read somewhere that an act of kindness raises the endorphins of everyone involved: the giver, the receiver, and anyone who witnessed it!  That is what it means to be a social creature: that we are happiest when we share.  Even if it's only a smile.  Or a laugh.

Sven truly is a generous child.  He shares his smiles readily and they make everyone else smile,too.  Now he has a new gift to give: the gift of his laughter.


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