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On the Day You were Born

Dear Soren,

I remember the day you were born. I had been waiting for you to come a long time. All the doctors and nurses, all my friends and family, kept telling your father and I that we should expect you any day but I guess you just liked where you were. It must have been pretty cozy and although we tried all the tricks, we couldn't think of a way to coax you out. You wanted to pick your own time. And finally, after months of carrying, weeks of waiting, and hours of pushing, you were in my arms. You were the most beautiful baby in the world on that day. You were surrounded by people who loved you and wanted to welcome you into the world. I wanted to whisper in your ear, "Congratulations! We did it!" It was a journey that you and I took together and now I was so excited to show everyone the beautiful boy I had been carrying in my body for so long.

You were so small! Every feature was so tiny and perfect: your little hands and ears, your tiny feet and nose. And yet, I couldn't believe how huge you were! I couldn't imagine how you had ever fit inside of me. It must have been so snug. Pregnancy and birthing are miracles, son. The ability to conceive and bear a child is Heavenly Father's gift of trust to His spirit daughters and it was a privilege for your father and I to participate in bringing you, a choice son of God, into the world. I was impressed by that the day you were born. Your enormous, valiant spirit could hardly fit in your precious, tiny body. I knew that being your mother would be a blessing and joy.

Your father was rushing back from a final exam when you were born. He got there in time to see you on the examining table and to stay with you as they suctioned fluid out of your lungs. He said you were very angry about the tubes--I think you wanted to use your own lungs. You certainly could wail if you wanted to. Thankfully, they got you all cleaned out and cleaned up, after which your disposition improved markedly.

Your Grandma Berg was there at your birth. She said you were an unusually alert baby. You did stay awake most of the time. Most of the time you were quiet and loved to look around at everyone and everything. Your honorary aunts Monique and Jennie came to welcome you. They love you too and are excited to watch you grow into a handsome young man. Your Aunt Brianna and Uncles Timmy and Brinton were there. Everyone got to hold you close. I loved to share you with them but I was always glad when you came back to mine or your father's arms.

Love, Your Mom


mk said…

When your parents called me the day you were born I was so excited I couldn't contain myself. I dropped everything I was doing and sped to the hospital to meet you. I was surprised to find that, against the expectations of your father, you were really a beautiful little baby. The next time I saw you, only 10 days later, was the day of my wedding. I hope you know that I will never let you forget that you peed on me that morning. I can't wait until you are old enough to talk, and to recognize me. I'm so grateful you were born!


Aunt Monique

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