I love that my boys are thumb suckers. I know a lot of moms have a lot of reasons to dislike thumb sucking but I love it! It is such an effective self-soothing mechanism and a great independently administered sleep prop. So I am always happy when that behavior crops up. Hooray for thumb sucking!
Sven figured it out yesterday morning. He has been fist sucking for a few weeks now but yesterday morning he figured out his thumb. He was sitting on my lap while we watched the older boys play in the yard and he kept experimenting with different finger combinations. His face was priceless when he found his thumb. He kept sticking it back in and out, obviously very satisfied. I imagined that he was so proud of himself. Silly though it sounds, I know that I was proud.
He has come later to thumb sucking than my other two boys, probably because he has been happier in general. It has probably also contributed that I have been freer with nursing. His contentment probably gave him less time to experiment--and I'm happy about that! Still, it's nice to see him exploring and entertaining himself.
Sven figured it out yesterday morning. He has been fist sucking for a few weeks now but yesterday morning he figured out his thumb. He was sitting on my lap while we watched the older boys play in the yard and he kept experimenting with different finger combinations. His face was priceless when he found his thumb. He kept sticking it back in and out, obviously very satisfied. I imagined that he was so proud of himself. Silly though it sounds, I know that I was proud.
He has come later to thumb sucking than my other two boys, probably because he has been happier in general. It has probably also contributed that I have been freer with nursing. His contentment probably gave him less time to experiment--and I'm happy about that! Still, it's nice to see him exploring and entertaining himself.
Oh, the thumb-sucker's thumb
May look wrinkled and wet
And withered, and white as the snow,
But the taste of a thumb Is the sweetest taste yet
(As only we thumb-suckers know).
- Sheldon Allan Silverstein