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1. I have been watching our neighbors, Ethan and Kylie, all week.  Their mom had a baby a few weeks ago and her help all left last weekend so I have been helping her with the transition.  Her kids came Monday - Thursday morning and it's been a bit of an ego boost to have them around.  It makes me feel like supermom!  (To be fair, though, all of the kids have been exceptionally even-tempered lately.)

2. Sven has been settling really well into a (more) predictable routine and he has been happy as a clam.  He slept through the night once this week (Wednesday night) and we have both gotten plenty of naps.  That makes for a happy baby and a happy mom!

3. In addition to his general good humor, Sven has been developing very noticeably this week.  He is growing up so much!

4. I am reading a lovely book called Everyday Blessings.  It's about parenting and mindfulness.  I don't agree with everything in it but it is good food for thought.  Also, the writing is beautiful.

5. I have enjoyed watching Carl color and draw this past week.  His artwork is becoming more colorful and detailed.  "Labels" have been springing up on his drawings; a lot of them were in pseudo-Asian scripts this week, which made me laugh.

6. An old friend came to visit on Friday evening with her family.  They are thinking about moving into our apartment complex at the end of July!  Seeing them this one time was nice; seeing them every day would be even nicer!

7. Also, Friday was Scott's and my anniversary.  We have been married for seven years.

8. Saturday night, some of our friends got together for a murder mystery party.  We did Ruins of Rome and it was the best one we've ever done.  The hosts made a huge ancient feast and everyone really got into the costumes and characters.  We actually solved the mystery (pretty much), which made us all feel clever.

9. Scott has been researching locust cultivation all week (inspired by his wilderness grasshopper experiment).  He has gotten really excited about someday having a rather eclectic combination of produce in a hydroponic greenhouse someday.  That's the someday when we move away from here and buy a house.  Listening to his big plans is fun, even if we will probably just stay in this apartment complex forever.


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