Today my first born son is three whole years old! Can you believe it? I can't. This is what we did to celebrate.
2. We had french toast for breakfast and allowed Soren to have unlimited syrup! It doesn't get much better than that.
3. When we got home, Soren put on his bran-new pretzels sweatshirt (from Nan) and Scott gave him the present he made for him: a hand-made wooden sword and cardboard shield. He loved that best of all and was fighting dragons all afternoon.
4. Later, he opened the rest of his presents. He got a really neat train set from his Grandma and Grandpa (Berg) and Candy Land from me.
6. Soren and Uncle Jason (Kamosi) set up his train set and had a blast.
7. We all played Candy Land. Soren enjoyed looking at the pictures on the board and distributing the cards more than playing according to the rules but he was starting to get the hang of it by the end.
8. We sang Happy Birthday and had chocolate cupcakes.