A, again, all done, alphabet, amen, animals, apple, art, asleep, away
B, baby, back, bag, bagel, banana, beach, bear, bed, bird, bite, black, blanket, bless you, block, blues, boat, boo!, book, boom!, bowl, box, bread, brown, brush, butt, butter, button, bye
C, cake, caps, car, cards, careful, Carl, carrots, cat, cedar, cereal, chair, cheese, child, chips, church, circle, clothes, coat, cold, colors, computer, concert, conifer, cookie, cool, cough, count, cow, cracker, crayon, crazy, cross, cup
D, Daddy, dark, diaper, dinner, dinosaur, doctor, dog, doing, doom, door, down, drop, dry, duck
E, ears, eat, eggs, eight, eighteen, elbow, elephant, eleven, eyes
F, face, feet, fight, fish, five, flower, fly, flying V, follow, food, foot, fork, four, free, frog
G, game, geese, George, get it, giants, girl, go, God, good job, got you!, grape, grass
H, hair, hand, happy, harp, Harry, hat, head, heart, Heavenly Father, hello, here, hey, hi, hooray!, hop, horse, hot, house, how about ...?, hurt
I, I love you, ice cream, it came to pass, it's a ...,
J, jacket, Jesus, joke, juice
K, keys, kick, kiss, knife, knock
L, leaf, let's go!, letters, light, lion, look
M, mammals, man, me, milk, mine, Mommy, monkey, moon, more, mouse, mouth
N, name, Nemo, new, next time, nice, nine, no, Nora, nose
O, octopus, one, oops, open, orange, ouch, out, outside, oval
P, page, pajamas, pants, paper, paste, Pat, peach, pear, pebble, phone, piece, pine,
plate, please, pogs, police, poop, pop, popcorn, prayer, pretzel, purple
Q, quiet
R, rabbit, rain, Ratatoille, roar, robot,rock
S, sad, sale, salt, screw, see, seven, shoes, show, shurb, sighed, sit, six, sky, sleep, snack, snake, snap, socks, some, Soren, sorry, Spam, spider, spoon, square, stairs, star, Star Wars, stay, stick, still, stinky, stomp, stooped, stop, store, story, strawberry, street, stroller, sun, sunbeam, swing
T, table, Tang, taste, teeth, temple, ten, thank you, the end, three, tired, toast, toes, top, touch, towel, toys, tractor, train, tree, triangle, truck, try, turtle, twelve, two
U, up
W, wait, walk, water, wet, what's this?, wheel, window, wise, work
Y, yak, yeah!, yes, yes Mom, yoghurt, yummy
Z, zip, zoo
B, baby, back, bag, bagel, banana, beach, bear, bed, bird, bite, black, blanket, bless you, block, blues, boat, boo!, book, boom!, bowl, box, bread, brown, brush, butt, butter, button, bye
C, cake, caps, car, cards, careful, Carl, carrots, cat, cedar, cereal, chair, cheese, child, chips, church, circle, clothes, coat, cold, colors, computer, concert, conifer, cookie, cool, cough, count, cow, cracker, crayon, crazy, cross, cup
D, Daddy, dark, diaper, dinner, dinosaur, doctor, dog, doing, doom, door, down, drop, dry, duck
E, ears, eat, eggs, eight, eighteen, elbow, elephant, eleven, eyes
F, face, feet, fight, fish, five, flower, fly, flying V, follow, food, foot, fork, four, free, frog
G, game, geese, George, get it, giants, girl, go, God, good job, got you!, grape, grass
H, hair, hand, happy, harp, Harry, hat, head, heart, Heavenly Father, hello, here, hey, hi, hooray!, hop, horse, hot, house, how about ...?, hurt
I, I love you, ice cream, it came to pass, it's a ...,
J, jacket, Jesus, joke, juice
K, keys, kick, kiss, knife, knock
L, leaf, let's go!, letters, light, lion, look
M, mammals, man, me, milk, mine, Mommy, monkey, moon, more, mouse, mouth
N, name, Nemo, new, next time, nice, nine, no, Nora, nose
O, octopus, one, oops, open, orange, ouch, out, outside, oval
P, page, pajamas, pants, paper, paste, Pat, peach, pear, pebble, phone, piece, pine,
plate, please, pogs, police, poop, pop, popcorn, prayer, pretzel, purple
Q, quiet
R, rabbit, rain, Ratatoille, roar, robot,rock
S, sad, sale, salt, screw, see, seven, shoes, show, shurb, sighed, sit, six, sky, sleep, snack, snake, snap, socks, some, Soren, sorry, Spam, spider, spoon, square, stairs, star, Star Wars, stay, stick, still, stinky, stomp, stooped, stop, store, story, strawberry, street, stroller, sun, sunbeam, swing
T, table, Tang, taste, teeth, temple, ten, thank you, the end, three, tired, toast, toes, top, touch, towel, toys, tractor, train, tree, triangle, truck, try, turtle, twelve, two
U, up
W, wait, walk, water, wet, what's this?, wheel, window, wise, work
Y, yak, yeah!, yes, yes Mom, yoghurt, yummy
Z, zip, zoo