(Almost) every night, Scott gives Soren a bath. This has been his habit since Soren was only a few weeks old. Of course, then our son was a lot less squirmy and protesting about it. Still, it is a special time when the two of them get to spend some time alone.
I always use that time to do the dishes. I stand by the sink in the kitchen and try not to make a lot of noise so that I can hear what is happening in the bathroom. I hear Soren's protesting cough as Scott takes off his clothes. Then the water starts running. I know that Soren looks, fascinated at the running water. Scott puts him in the baby tub, facing away from the torrent and I know that Soren arches his back, trying to keep that tantalizing sight in view. Soren really likes the way the water looks. He'll be arching and squirming the whole
time Scott washes him, but my husband is very efficient and it doesn't take long.
My favorite part to listen to is after the bath. I can picture Soren on the floor of the bathroom, wrapped up in his hooded towel. Scott loves to shake the baby down and dry him off, making fun noises and faces. Soren always laughs hysterically. Sometimes, if he is particularly good-natured, Scott will bring him into the kitchen. Soren will still be grinning, wrapped up only in a towel, and Scott will try to make him laugh again. Sometimes it works but most of the time it doesn't. It's all right; that's a special thing for them. It's nice to know that Scott has a fun part of the day with just him and Soren, that he loves.
Scott puts on the cloth diaper; he's better at it than I am. He clothes Soren and then brings him to me for the last feeding of the day. And then I hand him back over to his daddy and Scott sings a lullaby and puts him to bed.
I love listening to and watching Scott during this part of the day. Since starting work full time, he doesn't have a lot of time to spend with Soren before the boy goes to bed. But he makes the most of the time he does have. Scott's a wonderful father. I am very lucky to have someone so fun, attentive, and gentle co-parenting with me. And Soren is lucky to have such a good example. If he would understand, I would tell him. Soren, you are so lucky to have a father who loves you. Someday, your father will teach you how to be a man, I would say. I hope you will listen but even more than that, I hope you will watch. If you watch Scott, he will teach you to be a good husband and a good dad.
I always use that time to do the dishes. I stand by the sink in the kitchen and try not to make a lot of noise so that I can hear what is happening in the bathroom. I hear Soren's protesting cough as Scott takes off his clothes. Then the water starts running. I know that Soren looks, fascinated at the running water. Scott puts him in the baby tub, facing away from the torrent and I know that Soren arches his back, trying to keep that tantalizing sight in view. Soren really likes the way the water looks. He'll be arching and squirming the whole

My favorite part to listen to is after the bath. I can picture Soren on the floor of the bathroom, wrapped up in his hooded towel. Scott loves to shake the baby down and dry him off, making fun noises and faces. Soren always laughs hysterically. Sometimes, if he is particularly good-natured, Scott will bring him into the kitchen. Soren will still be grinning, wrapped up only in a towel, and Scott will try to make him laugh again. Sometimes it works but most of the time it doesn't. It's all right; that's a special thing for them. It's nice to know that Scott has a fun part of the day with just him and Soren, that he loves.
Scott puts on the cloth diaper; he's better at it than I am. He clothes Soren and then brings him to me for the last feeding of the day. And then I hand him back over to his daddy and Scott sings a lullaby and puts him to bed.
I love listening to and watching Scott during this part of the day. Since starting work full time, he doesn't have a lot of time to spend with Soren before the boy goes to bed. But he makes the most of the time he does have. Scott's a wonderful father. I am very lucky to have someone so fun, attentive, and gentle co-parenting with me. And Soren is lucky to have such a good example. If he would understand, I would tell him. Soren, you are so lucky to have a father who loves you. Someday, your father will teach you how to be a man, I would say. I hope you will listen but even more than that, I hope you will watch. If you watch Scott, he will teach you to be a good husband and a good dad.