I just sneaked into Soren's room to watch him sleeping. That's almost always a bad idea but this time I lucked out. He stirred a little when I came in but stayed deep asleep, a few fingers halfway in and halfway out of his mouth. I stood by the crib, basking the serenity of Soren's sleep. I love to watch him play and eat and interact with people but there's something special and peaceful about watching him sleep.
I love it when he wakes up in the morning and starts talking to himself in the crib.
I come into the room singing our morning song. He smiles. He isn't upset to be in his crib but is very excited for the day to begin. He knows that there will be all his favorite things: food, people, toys, and music--today especially music.
I played the harp for him this morning, something I keep forgetting he likes so much. He sat in his bouncer and listened while I practiced. After a while he wanted more interaction, so I played some songs to sing-along and looked him in the eyes as much as I could. Even though it was right before his nap, a normally cranky time, he was busting a huge grin. Music captivates Soren.
It's not just wishful thinking on my part. Scott has also noticed his love of music. Whenever I leave them alone together, Scott sooths our son by singing his old standbys: Waltzing Matilda, the closing credits song from the video game "Portal", and a Chinese ditty about a pretty girl. When Soren was a newborn, if Scott sang those songs, it would put him right to sleep. I think Soren liked his Dad's deep, gruff voice a lot better than mine; he would never drift off like that for me even when I sang the same songs.
Soon Soren will wake up and his friend, Wallace, will come play. I have to admit, when I watch him sleep I have this impossible image in my mind of gathering my little one in my arms and feeling him breathe, still deep asleep. But I know it would wake him and once he's awake, he wants to get moving, not be cuddled.
I will have to remember in the future how much Soren loves music. We should make harp practice a fun time to be together.
I love it when he wakes up in the morning and starts talking to himself in the crib.

I played the harp for him this morning, something I keep forgetting he likes so much. He sat in his bouncer and listened while I practiced. After a while he wanted more interaction, so I played some songs to sing-along and looked him in the eyes as much as I could. Even though it was right before his nap, a normally cranky time, he was busting a huge grin. Music captivates Soren.
It's not just wishful thinking on my part. Scott has also noticed his love of music. Whenever I leave them alone together, Scott sooths our son by singing his old standbys: Waltzing Matilda, the closing credits song from the video game "Portal", and a Chinese ditty about a pretty girl. When Soren was a newborn, if Scott sang those songs, it would put him right to sleep. I think Soren liked his Dad's deep, gruff voice a lot better than mine; he would never drift off like that for me even when I sang the same songs.
Soon Soren will wake up and his friend, Wallace, will come play. I have to admit, when I watch him sleep I have this impossible image in my mind of gathering my little one in my arms and feeling him breathe, still deep asleep. But I know it would wake him and once he's awake, he wants to get moving, not be cuddled.
I will have to remember in the future how much Soren loves music. We should make harp practice a fun time to be together.