Goals for Soren:
* keep up with Ambleside Online reading schedule for homeschool
* keep up with Ambleside Online reading schedule for homeschool
* finish the container story for main lessons before moving to Illinois
* learn to resolve disputes with Carl
Goals for Carl:
* no hitting or kicking other kids during Yard Time
* obey "The Lego Rules" during Quiet Time
* don't keep brothers awake when they want to sleep
Goals for Sven:
* no shrieking!
* Table Time at 8:30 am
* stay on the rug during Rug Time
Goals for Leif:
* be put down for naps awake
* eat no more frequently than every 3 hours at night
* be delightful
Goals for Carolyn:
* pray and read the scriptures in the morning
* pray and read the scriptures in the morning
* eat breakfast and lunch
* drink water, not Coke
Goals for Mom:
* supervise Carl constantly and enforce rules of polite interaction with other kids
* don't say "I don't care" when Soren tattles
* stay awake when feeding/soothing Leif at night