Sven can do a somersault.
He's very proud of himself. Up until tonight, he has needed someone to help him get his legs over his head. But now he does it all by himself. His obvious delight is pretty cute.
I think it is also pretty amazing. Maybe this kind of gross-motor development is normal but it seems really advanced to me.
Then again, he does nothing but practice. All day long, he climbs on everything in sight. Using his body in new ways is his only delight. Toys don't entertain him at all; only challenging new spaces can capture his attention. And failure doesn't bother him. When he falls, he picks himself right back up with a laugh.
As a result, Sven can do all kinds of things that surprise me:
* He gets himself in and out of the bathtub (sometimes fully dressed).
* He goes up the stairs while holding onto the railing.
* He climbs the ladder to our neighbor's bunk bed.
* He sits on top of the child-sized table.
* He uses the play equipment at McDonald's.
* He pushes himself down the slides at the park and then tries to climb back up them.
* He does somersaults!