CARL: Dear Heavenly Father, We're so grateful for this day. Please bless our breakfast. And please bless Mommy that she will remember to come and get these dinner leftovers off the table.
One of my greatest worries about having four children was that I would not be able to welcome and love my new baby as well as I had the others. Now that he is here, I feel that he is perhaps the most welcomed and best loved of all my sons. More on that in a moment. I struggled to bond with Leif in utero, in part because pregnancy was old hat to me and in part because life was busy with too many other things. The new miracle growing inside of me was the most normal thing about my life. There were a few good moments that helped me prepare mentally: doing guided meditations during Christmas vacation, my blessingway on January 6th, and a really good conversation I had with Scott about my hopes and worries. But mostly, my mind was elsewhere. And then there was the birth. I should have known that it would be a totally unique experience and that it would prepare me for this totally unique child. Needless to say, I'm crazy about the little guy. ...