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Friday Favorites

1. Carl and I have been doing reading lessons (almost) every day for a few weeks now.  The lessons are from a book called Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.  While the methodology of the book really grates against my ideals (aka "better late than early" and "no twaddle"), Carl is really happy to be learning.  And it's fun for us to spend that time together.  I feel an inordinate amount of pride at his burgeoning abilities.
2. My friend, Michelle, has been running up against a hard deadline for her writing class so I babysat her daughter (Kylie) every morning this week so that she could write.  Kylie and Carl have been really cute playing together.
3. Soren has been having trouble controlling his temper recently.  He has been getting mad (for legitimate reasons) and then grabbing the offender and punching them (which is a completely illegitimate response).  This is something I always think we are done with and then pops back up again a few months later.  The outbursts, however, have been followed by some really good talks between the two of us and a sincere desire on his part to be more patient next time.  I feel like there is some really teaching happening there, although it has yet to take hold in the moment of anger.  Just for clarification, the violence is not a favorite.  But the times that we have spent honestly discussing the problem are.
4. Visiting my siblings on Tuesday was really fun.  Timothy told me all about the drama in his apartment complex, which was immensely entertaining.  The weather was so fine, we ate lunch in the sculpture garden outside the MOA and then sat talking while the kids climbed on the pixelated ducks.
5. Megan is doing a really cute story in Kindergarten this unit called "The Little Blue Frog".  I went to help on Wednesday and got to hear it.  Her storytelling is engaging and just right for the kids.  I was really glad to sit in on her Circle Time and even more glad that my kids have been sitting in on her Circle Times all year.  Hooray for the homeschool co-op!
6. Also on Wednesday, we started a new role playing game.  This time, Megan is the DM.  I am really excited about being a character for a little while.
7. The freak snowfall yesterday made me appreciate the sunshine all the more today.  Spring is here and I am so excited!
8. This is totally bragging but ... in the My-Life-Is-A-Video-Game game that I made up, I have gotten to Level 5 every day this week.  It feels super to be working towards my goals every day.  It also feels busy (and sometimes a little draining).  I think I might be developing a better work ethic, though, which will serve me well as my family life gets more complicated.  For now, I will use my increased self-motivation to chip away at my creative goals.
9. Speaking of my creative goals, I had an epiphany about my protagonist today that has got me excited about my novel again.  I have been writing every day this week and it has been really discouraging.  But this morning, I made a real breakthrough on my main character.  Now I have to go back and scrap pretty much everything I have already written.  But that's ok, because it will be better now!
10. I got summoned by the court to appear as a witness in a trial next month.  So that will be interesting.
11. Sven has been doing longer and longer Room Times recently.  He enjoys playing by himself when he isn't constantly distracted by the possibility of playing with other people.  That's a relief right now, because when he isn't confined or currently being entertained by a parent, he is into everything.  And by everything I mean "all the stuff that babies can't play with".


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