He's been eyeing the stairs in our house for the past few days. Ever since figuring out how to pull himself up to standing, he's been excited about using the bottom step to pull up on. But he hadn't shown any interest in actually going up the stairs until this morning.
We were playing with chalk in the backyard. At first Carl was content to sit on the ground and pound dots into the pavement. After a few minutes, he got bored and started crawling around looking for something more entertaining. That's when he noticed it: the sippy cup. It was at the top of the stairs leading to the house. Sippy cups are interesting and usually contain deliciously sweet apple juice. He headed for it--right up the stairs!
I was nervous about him experimenting on the stone steps but he sure wasn't. He was confident and determined. It took a while but each step got easier until he was grasping that cup. Oh, sweet satisfaction!