I went in for ultrasound #2 today. A good friend watched Soren so Scott and I could visit the technician in peace. I swung by Scott's office to pick him up and we headed to the clinic, him in his suit and tie and I in my jeans and oversized tee.
I'm glad we were given a second chance at the ultrasound and that we chose not to keep the gender a surprise. As fun as that would have been, I like knowing as much about my new child as early as I can.
It was a different technician this time and he got straight to business.
He got a clear shot up between the legs straight off and imparted the all-important news: It's a boy!

Then he puttered around, looking at the brain and making sure everything was ok (which was the excuse given so we could come back). And everything is ok! The doctor said there is no reason to expect that our next son won't be as intelligent and good-looking as our first. Hooray! Two healthy sons!
I know it does't have the same implications today as it did back then, but I can't help but think about what a winning streak this would have been for a medieval wife. It's too bad I wasn't born back then so I could enjoy the (completely undeserved) prestige of being a woman who bears sons.
Strike that. I am glad to be a liberated woman of the 21st century.
On a less inflamato
ry note ... finding out the gender means it is now time for us to start thinking seriously about names. We had a definite plan for a girl baby but we have no obvious preferences in boys' names yet. I would like to use another family name or at least another solidly Scandinavian name.

I'm glad we were given a second chance at the ultrasound and that we chose not to keep the gender a surprise. As fun as that would have been, I like knowing as much about my new child as early as I can.