Today we went for a family outing and Soren was so pleasant! We walked down 4th S looking for some food and found an all-you-can-eat Himalayan buffet. We let Soren try all the different foods and, although he didn't like the spicy stuff as well, he enjoyed it the overall experience. Some of the other customers commented on how content he was; he was flashing big smiles all around the dining area. During the meal, he looked at Scott and said (very distinctly) "da da". Scott says it was just coincidence, though. He says that Soren calls him "abzzzzta" as often as he calls him anything resembling "da da". Still, it was really cute.
After lunch, we walked to the public library. We went downstairs to the children's section where they have a room decorated like an ice palace. Scott said it was like the fortress of solitude and that someday we should make a superman suit for Soren. We picked out a couple of books and read them in the fortress of solitude. There were lots of other kids in there, which Soren enjoyed but I think he was a little more careful because of it. He couldn't scoot around really fast--so he crawled for a little bit! Scott and I were just sitting there gaping. Seems like our boy can crawl, even if he doesn't want to most of the time.
Then we walked home. I really enjoy walking with my family. When we walk, I can savor a moment of familial bliss. I love the way Scott puts his hands on my waist and the companionable silence we share. I love the way Soren sits up in his seat, leaning forward to see everything. Today he was babbling the whole way home, looking at and talking to everything. I was thinking about how happy I was when Scott and I were first married and how that happiness has been compounded by an addition to our family. When I look at Soren, I not only feel all the love I have for him but also all the love I have for Scott. The two combined make my heart want to burst.
After lunch, we walked to the public library. We went downstairs to the children's section where they have a room decorated like an ice palace. Scott said it was like the fortress of solitude and that someday we should make a superman suit for Soren. We picked out a couple of books and read them in the fortress of solitude. There were lots of other kids in there, which Soren enjoyed but I think he was a little more careful because of it. He couldn't scoot around really fast--so he crawled for a little bit! Scott and I were just sitting there gaping. Seems like our boy can crawl, even if he doesn't want to most of the time.

Then we walked home. I really enjoy walking with my family. When we walk, I can savor a moment of familial bliss. I love the way Scott puts his hands on my waist and the companionable silence we share. I love the way Soren sits up in his seat, leaning forward to see everything. Today he was babbling the whole way home, looking at and talking to everything. I was thinking about how happy I was when Scott and I were first married and how that happiness has been compounded by an addition to our family. When I look at Soren, I not only feel all the love I have for him but also all the love I have for Scott. The two combined make my heart want to burst.