Our youngest is now two. Those baby years just flew by! I think that each child grows faster than the last. But even though it has passed in the blink of an eye, the past year with Leif has been delightful. He has really come out of his shell, opening up to more than just his Mom and his Nan as his abilities have grown.
We didn't do much to celebrate (two-year-olds have low expectations), but he was thrilled. He has seen a lot of birthdays lately and loved that it was finally his turn. Here's what we did to celebrate:
4. Grandma's wagon came with a book about a flying wagon, which he promptly asked his dad to read. Leif loves listening to books almost as much as he loves to be lugged around.
7. He helped me to mix the batter for his cake. Or rather, he pushed the button on the stand-mixer. He was pretty impressed with the big effect and enjoyed turning the mixer on and off until the batter was mixed.

1. Carl helped him get out of bed in the morning and he toddled into my room for a "good morning". He was excited to get a "happy birthday!" instead.
2. He did well unwrapping his presents--again probably because he's had a lot of examples lately.
3. Grandma bought him a little red wagon and Carl bought him a cell phone. He was pretty happy, sitting in the wagon, talking on his cell phone. I was *very* happy, thinking about how I won't have to lug him around in the baby backpack when we go walking.

5. We went to the library. Because what kid doesn't want to check out books on their birthday? OK, maybe not yours, but Leif was happy about it. And now that he is 2, he can check out two books instead of just one. Woot!
6. Nan's friend Ruth Ann brought him a balloon. I always underestimate the power of balloons. Kids love them. They are more exciting than most of the toys we buy for them. He certainly seemed to enjoy Ruth Ann's balloon more than he liked the chunky puzzle I gave him.

8. After dinner, we had all the Duedes over for green cupcakes. Leif knew what he was supposed to do with the candles but he couldn't quite make it work. His little blow completely missed the flames. Fortunately, Sven was happy to help.
9. After the cupcakes, the big boys had to hurry off for scouts. Leif didn't mind. He only had eyes for Nan and her big purse full of gum. They compared cell phones. Nan's was preferable.
Happy birthday, Leif!