Oh, how I welcomed Midsummer with open arms this year! I was ready for summer: no school means time to write, time to plan, time to swim, and time to rest. The kids went with wide-open eyes into our media fast and I had a plan to teach them lots of skills and chores. I love that summer is unique in all the year; at least for stay-at-home moms and kids, it is a gift of time large enough to explore different skills and new ways of being.
And, of course, we kicked off summer with our traditional camping trip. Here's a recap:

2. As is traditional, we took our 72-hour kits on the camp-out as well as several kinds of summer fruit. The kids spent the first hour there gorging on cherries, fruit snacks, and granola bars. I think that next year I will not give them immediate access to the kits but will require them to help with the campsite set-up. Except for Leif, of course.
3. There was another family camping close by with a little boy and a little girl. They had brought toys, which made my boys pretty happy. All the kids played together while Scott got the fire set up.
4. Cheddar wurst: a Midsummer tradition in the making.
5. We went down to the lake just before the sun set and Scott set up the fishing rod on a deserted dock. He didn't catch anything, though we all saw plenty of silver glimmers jumping from the lake. There were frogs in the underbrush, too. I chased Leif up and down the dock, worrying that he would fall in the lake. In the end, he slipped on a muddy spot along the shore and we headed back to the campsite.
6. The stars were spectacular. Actually, so was the daytime sky. I've noticed recently that I look up a lot less now that I am a very busy and important adult. And that's too bad, because the sky is pretty spectacular.
7. The next morning, after a popular breakfast of oatmeal packets made in tin cups, we went down to Lake Le-Aqua-Na. There's a big beach area, where the younger boys played for hours in the sand. I visited with our campsite neighbors, who were also at the beach, while Scott took Carl to go fishing again on the docks. I made a sandcastle, which impressed Sven. But after he wrecked my towers, it looked more like a sand lump.

9. After visiting the lake, we packed up and went home. Every year, I feel bad that we are not serious campers; we hardly ever stay for a full 24 hours. And we didn't even do a hike this time! But then I tell myself that some camping is better than none and I head home for a nap and a shower.