I had intended to keep a log of all Sven's words up to age two, just like we did with Soren. But, like Carl, Sven's language progressed so quickly that I gave up early. By around 21 months, I was no longer surprised by any word he said and was probably using five to ten new ones every day. Now, at two, he is producing multiple clause sentences. He still says "carry you" instead of "carry me" but other than that, his grammar is impressively good. We have another talker in the family. Anyways, without further ado, here is the list that I maintained, up until it became unfeasible: By 1 year hi, ow, more, all (as in "all done"), mama 12 months dada, please 13 months ball, bye, whee! 14 months up, no, uh-oh, shoe 15 months down, diaper, stick, side (as in "outside"), flower, nose 16 months ears, cat, juice, milk, day (as in "someday"), cake, night (as in "good night"), mine, rice, door, poop, thank...