Spring is here! Oh joy! The weather this whole month has been so fine and everyone seemed re-energized by the changing seasons. Our homeschool has been blissfully sunny. I have been thinking a lot this month about my responsibility as not only an educator, but an example of a learner. If my children are going to take seriously this lifelong quest of growing in skill and knowledge, they need to see that I also take it seriously for myself . So with that pep talk, I have been working on learning scary new skills a little bit everyday. Like new music. And writing speculative fiction. And memorizing Mandarin vocabulary. At first it was really scary, and then disheartening. But now I am excited about the journey, which is exactly what I hope for my sons. In Kindergarten The Pancake - A friend recommended a lovely anthology to me called Nursery Tales from Around the World and from this anthology, I found the story...