1. It seems that his eyes are always twinkling
2. and it's pretty easy to get him to smile.
3. I love his startlingly clear blue eyes.
4. I like the way he smells. Like lavender baby oil.
5. I *adore* his soft, chubby cheeks. Kissing them is one of the best feelings in the world.
6. It is wonderful when he sleeps. He does it often, easily, and deeply (although he usually wakes up once in the night).
7. This is an exciting time in his development. He is always on the go! He is very persistent in getting to what he wants (and then getting it in his mouth)!
8. He does this funny thing where he blows raspberries on my arm.
9. I love to feed him solid food. He eats pretty much anything with gusto, squawking for more and thumping the high chair in between every bite. When he is finished, he turns his head away and refuses to make eye contact.
10. I enjoy giving him a bath and a massage every morning. We give our full attention to each other and that connection feels good.
11. We are experimenting with elimination communication and that is really rewarding for both of us. Hooray for less poopy diapers!
12. I like to take him around in my carrier and see his delight at the bright and busy world.
13. Sometimes he just lays his head on my chest and we breath each other in. I like that.
14. I like to share him with people who seem lonely and I am always amazed at how generous he is with them. He goes willingly to strangers and is just as ready to smile for them as for me. It is amazing how non-judgmental children are.
15. All the boys (first Scott, but now Soren and Carl too) enjoy making the baby "talk". It's become a fun family tradition. I like that the baby can bring us together like that.
16. I love when he laughs at Soren's over-the-top antics.
17. I think it's cool that he uses the syllable "dada" almost exclusively when he is jabbering to his dad. Scott thinks I am teasing about that but it is something I have noticed.
18. When he nurses during the day, he is easily distracted. I love the way he pops off, looks around, grins sheepishly, and then comes back. It makes me laugh.
19. I love to nurse him at 10:30 at night, when he is snuggly and sleepy.
20. I think my favorite thing is that I feel confident in my ability to communicate with him. I understand what he needs and enjoy creating a bond of trust between us. Part of that comes, I think, from being a more experienced mother. But I think that it is made easier because of his generous personality.