Scott went to see a movie a few weeks ago about giant robots fighting giant sea monsters (or kaiju). He loved it. The rest of our family really loves the game he made up, inspired by the movie.
First, all able-bodied members of our family make towers and houses out of kapla blocks.
First, all able-bodied members of our family make towers and houses out of kapla blocks.
Then the fun begins. Scott holds up Sven, talking in his gruff baby voice, and makes him say menacing things in Japanese. (Watashi wa kaiju!) He helps the baby to walk through the kapla buildings, smashing them as he goes. Scott makes the sound effects as well: giant rumbling footsteps and horrible roars. The older boys laugh and I snap pictures.
We have played this game for the past two FHE nights. Scott, Soren, Carl, and I really get a kick out of it; Sven doesn't seem to care much either way. But he seems to be getting into the spirit of it here in this picture:
Tasty Tokyo!