Most of the time, Soren and Carl don't really interact with their new baby brother. They do their own things, neither commenting nor complaining about our new addition, and he does his own things (eating and sleeping). But when they do interact, Soren and Carl are really loving to Sven. Those moments are very sweet to me.
In the evenings, after scripture study, Soren likes to make Sven "talk", sharing his thoughts on the day. Soren uses the same gravelly voice that Scott does to put words in the baby's mouth. "My favorite part of the day was eating," he'll say, while holding up Sven's little arm and they laughing hilariously.
This morning, Carl did something really cute. I was talking on the phone and Sven was sitting in his bouncer, whining a little bit. Carl came over and started playing with his feet. When I got off the phone, I could hear what he was doing: he was playing "This little piggy". Sven had stopped whining and was smiling at his brother.
Like last night, when Soren asked me if Sven could sit in his lap. He actually makes that request pretty frequently. And then he sits there, with Sven cuddled in his lap, looking very proud and happy.
Often, one of the boys will tell me very earnestly, "I want Sven to be a part of our family forever." What mother wouldn't melt at that?

This morning, Carl did something really cute. I was talking on the phone and Sven was sitting in his bouncer, whining a little bit. Carl came over and started playing with his feet. When I got off the phone, I could hear what he was doing: he was playing "This little piggy". Sven had stopped whining and was smiling at his brother.
In Sven's baby blessing, the first thing Scott said was that he was blessed to have good brothers. It surely is true; I don't think a baby could ask for better brothers. Soren and Carl will be a good example to him when he gets older and right now, they are kind and loving to him. And the adoration is mutual.
Sometimes I worry that, because he is my third baby, Sven is not getting as much of my attention as the other boys did. That may or may not be true. However, I am beginning to think that he is actually lucky to have come later to the family. Instead of just two parents to love him, he also has two brothers. Soren and Carl help me to surround Sven with love and he glows with it.
Sometimes I worry that, because he is my third baby, Sven is not getting as much of my attention as the other boys did. That may or may not be true. However, I am beginning to think that he is actually lucky to have come later to the family. Instead of just two parents to love him, he also has two brothers. Soren and Carl help me to surround Sven with love and he glows with it.