1. He is the handsomest 5 year old I know.
2. He often says "thank you" for the housework I do, like cleaning his favorite t-shirt or making dinner.
3. He can dry the dishes and put them away all by himself.
4. He entertains himself for hours making stuff out of paper.
5. He loves to talk about the gospel and has a strong desire to do what is right.
6. He is excited to learn how to do new things. Right now, I am teaching him to make lunch and he is very proud of his growing knife-skills.
7. He pays attention in primary. He has a hard time sitting still but he is always listening and is excited to participate.
8. He knows the rules of a given situation and follows them.
9. He is quick to apologize.
10. He often asks me what words mean. He is always listening and wants to understand everything.
11. He makes me laugh and he knows it. He often says, "I like to make you laugh" or "I'm funny".
12. He has really thrown himself into learning the Japanese alphabets. He does not know very much vocabulary but he often makes some up and then writes it in Japanese.
13. He also speaks in his own made-up language: Sorenese. It melts my heart to see him growing up to be excited about linguistics, like his dad.
14. He likes to sit in bed and read manga during rest time. It is so awesome that he can read so well.
15. He still likes to hold hands when we walk.
16. He tells me, "I like to be together."
17. He lights up inside when I tell him the right story. I love to see how receptive to truth his spirit is, especially when couched in beautiful words he can understand.
18. He has so much energy! His enthusiasm can be contagious.
19. He gets along well with his brother Carl. I think that he will be kind to his new brother when he arrives.
20. He is growing up to be a person I like to spend time with.