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1. Last Saturday, some new friends invited us (and all our favorite gamers) to their house for a Murder Mystery Party!  It was so much fun!  I played a ruthless wannabe gangster woman, daughter to the murdered man and madly in love with my very own unapproved Romeo.  That would be Scott, who played a murdering Frenchman!  He studied French accents all afternoon while I sewed him a beret.  We had a blast!  And so did everyone else at the party.  We all loved it so much, we're going to do another one in a few weeks at our apartment.

2. Soren has been helping me cook all week.  Whenever I am working in the kitchen, he comes and asks if he can help--which I love!  He usually just dumps cans and stirs batter but I love it!  I'm wondering if he is too young to learn knife skills ... under extreme adult supervision, of course.

3. Another favorite: backpacks.  My sister bought the boys backpacks for Christmas.  They have been excited about using them but I didn't really see the use, since they don't go to school.  But this week, everywhere we went I let them load up their backpacks and pack them around.  It's wonderful!  They pack their own stuff and I don't have to carry a diaper bag anywhere!  For example, they carried their own books to the library, their own change of cloths to a friend's house, and their own pajamas and blankies to our date night.  Sweet!

4. Scott and I went to the family history center on Wednesday.  It was not very productive but I am excited to go back. We are trying to find Carl Duede.

5. I reorganized the kid's bedroom this week.  That is one of my favorite things to do!  Owen naps at our house twice a week now so I wanted him to have a semi-permanent place to sleep.  So I moved everything around and had an opportunity to get all the legos out from behind everything.  Moving the room around also refreshes the kids' play.

6. Games!  Games!  And more games!  We played Ticket to Ride with Andrew and Breanne on Sunday, Arkham Horror with Carter on Monday, Hollow Earth with Cody, Sherise, Michelle, and David on Tuesday, and SAGA Dragonlance with Steve, Logan, James, Mark, and Eljay this evening.  I especially enjoyed playing SAGA.  My character is *awesome*, probably my favorite character EVER.  I know this because I don't want her to die so I can start over.  That is really rare.

7. We had Sherry over for dinner on Sunday night.  She is deaf and lives at a nursing home up the street.  Scott interprets church for her.  I liked watching Scott sign and Soren mimic him.  Soren's made up signs are really funny.

8.  I went to visit Anny today.  It's been a long time since I've seen her so that was really fun.  Our kids loved playing together.  She has all girls and all kinds of different toys at her house (read "girl toys").  My favorite part was when her daughters covered Carl's head in flower boys.  He looked like a walking bouquet!

9.  Oh, and the trial week of my schedule went AWESOME!


MKHutchins said…
I'm going to sound like a walking ad...but I couldn't keep Thomas out of the knives (he wants to cook so badly) so we got him one of these:

It does pretty well with soft things, and even hard things like carrots, but only if they're cut into sticks first -- then they dice fine.

I'm glad to hear you've all had such a great week!

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