1. We pretty much had cake for breakfast. As soon as Soren woke up, he said "It's Carl's birthday!" and Carl started asking for the cake. I made cereal for the boys to eat but they didn't really touch them, what with the chanting for cake. So we made cupcakes right then and there; when they came out of the oven, I served them right away. Carl had picked out the kind the day before at the grocery store: funfetti cake with chocolate frosting.

2. Carl opened some of his birthday presents. Soren opened the rest. From Grandma and Grandpa, Carl got a table and chairs with little dishes for his play kitchen. From Nan and Poppy he got book money. There were also clothes (but he didn't think much of those). He was most excited about his cards, which he opened and closed and asked us to read over and over again.
3. Among the gifts was a really cool toy that Scott made: a wood-and-duct-tape replica of Thor's hammer. It even has the Viking runes to spell "Mjolnir" on it. We have been reading Norse Myths all week in preparation for this gift and it was well received. Now our kids can kick some Joten butt!

4. Soren played with some of the new toys (he may have hammered some of Carl's new dishes). Carl walked around the house with his birthday cards. He especially liked a singing one from Grandma and Grandpa. As a result, we heard "The Mickey Mouse Club House" song a million bazillion times.

5. We took the boys to the dollar theater to see Kung Fu Panda 2. Scott sat in the front with Soren, who asked a million questions. Carl and I sat in the back so we could stand up and walk around and leave the theater at will. I liked the movie, at least what I saw of it. However, I now feel that two years is not old enough for a movie theater.
6. We had more cake for lunch, this time with frosting and sprinkles.

7. After naps, we let Carl pick what we would have for dinner: chicken nuggets! While the nuggets cooked, Scott made a thai noodle salad for me and Carl played with his new toys.

8. We set Carl's "toddler bed" up in the nursery. From now on in, Carl and Soren will share a room and no one will sleep in a crib! Now Carl reminds me at bedtime, "I get to sleep in the mattress."
Just so everyone gets a clear picture of the day, I have a few comments to add: I wouldn't change anything I did, we had a good time, and Carl had a record number of temper tantrums. I suppose he was ringing in the "terrible twos".
Happy Birthday, Carl!
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