1. I love how *cute* he is when he talks. He has such a sweet baby voice but speaks in complete, grammatically correct sentences. It just melts my heart.
2. I love his sweet smile.
3. I love that he can pretend already. He especially loves to "cook" and "serve" imaginary "food".
4. I love that he uses the toilet.
5. I love it when he copies Soren, especially when it makes no sense. He recites the planets and their moons, asks me how to spell words (even though he doesn't know the alphabet), and memorizes the primary songs and scriptures.
6. I love the way he dances. He likes tapes of lullabies and has a gentle, expressive way of moving.
7. I love that he is getting into coloring.
8. I love that he is learning prayer etiquette.
9. I love to snuggle with him on my lap and read a book.
10. I love to hear him sing. He is singing "I love to drink, drink, drink apples and bananas" right now.
11. I still love his beautiful blonde hair and his clear blue eyes.
12. I love to watch him go down the slide. His joy in this simple pleasure is very sweet to me.
13. I love how cheerful he is the morning.
14. I love that he can feed himself so that we can really eat our meals together.
15. I love that he has favorites: favorite foods (almonds and strawberries), favorite songs ("Waltzing Matilda" and "I am Like a Star"), and favorite books (Birds, The Lorax, and anything about Frances).
16. I love to ask him for a hug. He wraps his arms around my neck and lays his head on my chest.
17. I love that I can still carry him on my back.
18. I love the way his relationship with Scott is blossoming. He is excited for his daddy to come home from work and loves to play with him on Saturday mornings.
19. I love to see him play with Bunnicula, just the way Soren played with Rabbit (who has since been named Peter).
20. I love that he is mine and that we have many many years to share together.