I haven't updated in a long while because I've been working a lot on preparing for my recital (next weekend). But in spite of the lack of updates, my children have been changing and developing behind my back.
Soren sleeps in his toddler bed. We made this change almost 2 months ago. I thought it would be really tricky; I worried so much that he would just get out of bed and wander around in the middle of the night, or that he wouldn't even know what the bed was for. But I put him down that first day, told him to stay in the bed, gave him his blanket and stuffed monkey and ... when I came back two hours later he was dead asleep in the bed. He always waits for me to come and get him, even when he has obviously been awake for awhile.
Carl just started on solid foods a couple of weeks ago. He loves it, even though he always makes a disgusted face. At the end of his meager portions, he's always begging for more. We've tried cream of wheat, carrots, squash, pureed (leftover) enchiladas, and lots of applesauce. I think we'll try some green beans tomorrow.
Soren can talk in complete sentences. It happened so gradually, I hardly noticed. For weeks, Scott and I commented that he seemed right on the verge of adult-like communication. Then this morning he said, "I don't like toast. I want a peanut-butter sandwich." It didn't surprise me until I realised that I wasn't surprised, that he was already there and I had just missed the transition.
Carl and Soren are both in cloth diapers, which is not new for Carl but is for Soren. I got beautiful new diapers in the mail from China, which makes it fun to do. My original plan was to switch Soren to cloth so he could tell better when he was wet. I thought that would make the transition to potty training easier. Unfortunately, these diapers are so amazing, he never feels wet! The fabric just wicks all the urine away from his skin! So I think it will be awhile before he understands the concepts necessary for potty training.
We are working on it, though. Soren spends some time every morning on the potty, just getting used to being there. Sometimes he goes and sometimes he doesn't. That's ok with me.
Carl is sleeping in his crib now. He's been doing naps there for several weeks but he needs to sleep there at night, too, now. I decided yesterday that he is officially too small for his bassinet. He woke up very upset in the morning, screaming and stuck in a corner. He's just too big! Which means, unbeknownst to me, he's growing. What a sad day.
Soren has also made the all-important transition from being a "little kid" at playgroup to a "big kid". When we went last week, he was kicking a ball around with the bigger boys. They played chase and he was laughing. No one said, "only big kids allowed!" to him, which is quite a step. I'm not sure what the criteria is for being a "big kid" but he's made it there.
They're growing up so fast! I better get off the computer and pay more attention!
Soren sleeps in his toddler bed. We made this change almost 2 months ago. I thought it would be really tricky; I worried so much that he would just get out of bed and wander around in the middle of the night, or that he wouldn't even know what the bed was for. But I put him down that first day, told him to stay in the bed, gave him his blanket and stuffed monkey and ... when I came back two hours later he was dead asleep in the bed. He always waits for me to come and get him, even when he has obviously been awake for awhile.
Carl just started on solid foods a couple of weeks ago. He loves it, even though he always makes a disgusted face. At the end of his meager portions, he's always begging for more. We've tried cream of wheat, carrots, squash, pureed (leftover) enchiladas, and lots of applesauce. I think we'll try some green beans tomorrow.
Soren can talk in complete sentences. It happened so gradually, I hardly noticed. For weeks, Scott and I commented that he seemed right on the verge of adult-like communication. Then this morning he said, "I don't like toast. I want a peanut-butter sandwich." It didn't surprise me until I realised that I wasn't surprised, that he was already there and I had just missed the transition.
We are working on it, though. Soren spends some time every morning on the potty, just getting used to being there. Sometimes he goes and sometimes he doesn't. That's ok with me.
Carl is sleeping in his crib now. He's been doing naps there for several weeks but he needs to sleep there at night, too, now. I decided yesterday that he is officially too small for his bassinet. He woke up very upset in the morning, screaming and stuck in a corner. He's just too big! Which means, unbeknownst to me, he's growing. What a sad day.
They're growing up so fast! I better get off the computer and pay more attention!