aht - "Watch out! I'm throwing stuff!"
buh - "book"
doh - "Hey, look! I just knocked those blocks down!"
dops - "Whispering is fun."
hi - "Hello, you. I am so happy to see you!"
juz - "I'd like some fluid in a sippy cup."
mamamama - "I am very unhappy."
nonononono - "It's so frustrating when you won't do what I want you to."
rrrrr - "I am pretending to drive this car."
ssssss - "Look! It's a snake!"
tsz tsz tsz - "Please read Caps for Sale to me!"
uh-oh - "Well that turned out differently than I expected."
wasat - "Give me the word for that thing I am pointing at."
buh - "book"
doh - "Hey, look! I just knocked those blocks down!"
dops - "Whispering is fun."
hi - "Hello, you. I am so happy to see you!"
juz - "I'd like some fluid in a sippy cup."
mamamama - "I am very unhappy."
nonononono - "It's so frustrating when you won't do what I want you to."
rrrrr - "I am pretending to drive this car."
ssssss - "Look! It's a snake!"
tsz tsz tsz - "Please read Caps for Sale to me!"
uh-oh - "Well that turned out differently than I expected."
wasat - "Give me the word for that thing I am pointing at."