For a while now, I've noticed our son developing a funny quirk.
When playing or eating happily on his own, Soren would sometimes look up at me and blink very deliberately. It was obviously a sign of contentment, as it was usually accompanied by an amusing smile, and he always seemed so proud of himself after he had done it.
For a while, I thought it was just amusing and unusual. I would think, huh. My son blinks at me when he's happy. Weird, but ok.
And then, one day, I figured out why he did it.
I was reading a book on the couch and Soren was flipping through his own books on the carpet. I paused at the end of the chapter to watch my son for a moment. He looked up at me. I smiled and then I winked at him.
And he blinked back.
Suddenly, I understood! He was trying to wink!
Excitedly, I winked at him again. He blinked back.
Having confirmed my hypothesis, it is now really fun to see Soren blink/"wink" at me. He often does it without my winking first, and then I know that he is developing his social skills.
When playing or eating happily on his own, Soren would sometimes look up at me and blink very deliberately. It was obviously a sign of contentment, as it was usually accompanied by an amusing smile, and he always seemed so proud of himself after he had done it.
For a while, I thought it was just amusing and unusual. I would think, huh. My son blinks at me when he's happy. Weird, but ok.
And then, one day, I figured out why he did it.
I was reading a book on the couch and Soren was flipping through his own books on the carpet. I paused at the end of the chapter to watch my son for a moment. He looked up at me. I smiled and then I winked at him.
And he blinked back.
Suddenly, I understood! He was trying to wink!
Excitedly, I winked at him again. He blinked back.
Having confirmed my hypothesis, it is now really fun to see Soren blink/"wink" at me. He often does it without my winking first, and then I know that he is developing his social skills.