It is so much fun to watch my son develop theory of mind. I love interacting with him and seeing evidence of his increased understanding of the world.
His most recent thought-accomplishment: realizing that our body parts and his body parts are similar and can do much of the same things.
It all started on Sunday when he crawled up to the coffee table and picked up Scott's glasses. Usually Scott is wearing them and we don't let Soren grab them from off his face.
But that day, the glasses were free for the taking. Soren was elated. He picked them up and straightaway tried to put them on his face. He didn't get the ear pieces so the glasses never perched securely on his face but he was still excited about looking through the eyepieces just like he had seen his father do. We were a little shocked and very pleased, although not as pleased as Soren was. He grinned and then started laughing. I hurried to take a picture.
Then, on Monday, we were sitting at the table eating lunch. I had made a pot of chicken noodle soup (because Scott was sick) and all three of us were enjoying it. Before I put a spoonful in Soren's mouth, I blew on it to make sure it wasn't too hot. After a couple reiterations of this, Soren started blowing on the spoon too! He would blow and then look at me and smile. It's like he'd figured it out: I had lips, he had lips, and he could do with his lips whatever I could do with mine.
Yesterday we all went to the dentist and, following the torture, got new toothbrushes. In spite of the fact that Soren has had teeth for at least 6 months, I hadn't ever gotten him a toothbrush. So when we gave it to him yesterday, he didn't know what to do with it.
He looked at it, touched the bristles, and then threw it aside.
But, taking into consideration his new skill, Scott thought he could convince the boy to brush his teeth. Scott went to the bathroom and got his toothbrush. He sat down on the couch next to Soren and started brushing vigorously. Soren pawed at him and tried to reach for his toothbrush, so I hurriedly gave him the kiddie one. I could just see the wheels in his head turning! He looked at his dad and his dad's toothbrush. Then he looked at the little toothbrush in his hand. He experimentally put it into his mouth and chewed on it. He looked at me, as though to question whether he was doing it right. I said, "Good boy!" with enthusiasm and he started brushing more excitedly.
He's our little copycat now. I guess we'll have to start being righteous role models.
His most recent thought-accomplishment: realizing that our body parts and his body parts are similar and can do much of the same things.
It all started on Sunday when he crawled up to the coffee table and picked up Scott's glasses. Usually Scott is wearing them and we don't let Soren grab them from off his face.

Then, on Monday, we were sitting at the table eating lunch. I had made a pot of chicken noodle soup (because Scott was sick) and all three of us were enjoying it. Before I put a spoonful in Soren's mouth, I blew on it to make sure it wasn't too hot. After a couple reiterations of this, Soren started blowing on the spoon too! He would blow and then look at me and smile. It's like he'd figured it out: I had lips, he had lips, and he could do with his lips whatever I could do with mine.
Yesterday we all went to the dentist and, following the torture, got new toothbrushes. In spite of the fact that Soren has had teeth for at least 6 months, I hadn't ever gotten him a toothbrush. So when we gave it to him yesterday, he didn't know what to do with it.

But, taking into consideration his new skill, Scott thought he could convince the boy to brush his teeth. Scott went to the bathroom and got his toothbrush. He sat down on the couch next to Soren and started brushing vigorously. Soren pawed at him and tried to reach for his toothbrush, so I hurriedly gave him the kiddie one. I could just see the wheels in his head turning! He looked at his dad and his dad's toothbrush. Then he looked at the little toothbrush in his hand. He experimentally put it into his mouth and chewed on it. He looked at me, as though to question whether he was doing it right. I said, "Good boy!" with enthusiasm and he started brushing more excitedly.
He's our little copycat now. I guess we'll have to start being righteous role models.