I was getting dressed when it suddenly got very quiet out in the living room. Soren had been contentedly babbling a moment ago and now it was silent. I'm sure you can imagine me, rushing half-panted down the hall, hoping nothing horrible had happened. At our last visit, my pediatrician filled my mind with horror stories of infant death; now gruesome scenes were flipping through my mind like a slide show on speed. Or like the scary tunnel in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory".
Expecting a disaster, I was relieved when this was what I saw in the living room:

The night before, I'd left a slice of left-over cake on the arm chair. We'd had company and Soren had been in bed. When I'd forgotten it at the end of the evening, it had been far from my son's greedy grasp. But this morning, when it was still left behind, it was within easy baby reach and too unusual for him not to explore.
No wonder he was so quiet! He'd been experimenting with an unknown object and struck it rich. It was probably the most exciting feast of his young life!
And because I don't really see the harm in an occasional treat, especially one so adroitly earned, I moved him to the high chair and laid out the remaining pieces on his tray. I cleaned the crumbs off the living room floor and he enjoyed his first slice of cake. Then, mess eliminated, I sat at the table next to him and had a slice myself. Because who doesn't enjoy a good slice of cake for breakfast?
Expecting a disaster, I was relieved when this was what I saw in the living room:

The night before, I'd left a slice of left-over cake on the arm chair. We'd had company and Soren had been in bed. When I'd forgotten it at the end of the evening, it had been far from my son's greedy grasp. But this morning, when it was still left behind, it was within easy baby reach and too unusual for him not to explore.
No wonder he was so quiet! He'd been experimenting with an unknown object and struck it rich. It was probably the most exciting feast of his young life!

I love reading your blogs! You have such a lovely family.
You sound like a cool mom.
So, yeah, I'm tagging you to do a post fill out thingy...
The Rules:
Link the Person who Tagged you.
Mention rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 quirks of yours.
Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.
Leave a comment to let them know.
Have fun!
You know that's the second time I've been tagged for that particular exercise? Sorry but I've decided not to participate. I try to keep my blogs pretty focused on a particular purpose and so I rarely get involved in blog tags. Sorry. I hope you can find another friend to play!