We actually didn't celebrate Carl's birthday on August 20th, seeing as how he had already had 2 parties, one with each set of grandparents. We did normal things like unpacked from our trip and played outside with friends. I gave Carl a few presents: a costume hat with tiger ears on it as well as a set of lacing cards for him to use in church meetings. But we did plenty of celebrating before his birthday: 1. My parents had a party on August 12th in West Virginia. My dad blew up balloons with his nose, just like in the good old days and the kids had a great time chasing them around. 2. My mom made three cakes, one for Carl, one for me, and one for Pat. We all have summer birthdays and birthdays are a big deal to the Bergs. Carl's cake was funfetti with green frosting, fruit snacks for decoration, and three tall candles. Sniff, sniff, because he is three years old! 3. There were lots of presents, mostly clothes all around. Of n...