Soren's strong will has been re-asserting itself this past week. He has become my little rebel: he says "no!" to everything, breaks our rules behind my back, refuses to make eye contact, lies about the contents of his diaper, and ignores friendly people. He reminds me of a surly teenager and I never know how to respond. On my good days, I say, "You don't get to say 'no' to Mommy." Other times, I am left with my mouth hanging open, the situation spiraling out of control, leaving me with no constructive ideas. And sometimes I just can't help but laugh. Two incidents come to mind. The first happened about a week ago when Soren heard someone take the Lord's name in vain on the radio. He thought it sounded very funny. Much to my chagrin, he repeated it in a loud, enthusiastic voice. I tried to give him a tamer, alternative exclamation to use but he was quite insistent on the original. When he shouted it again (with gusto), I told him very firml...