1. He loves a good pun. 2. He can do the dishes. 3. He is curious 4. and makes interesting connections between the things he is learning. 5. He wants to be a peacemaker, both in our home and in the world. 6. He is cheerful 7. and friendly. 8. His handwriting is improving. 9. He is teaching himself computer programming and makes up his own programs. 10. He is passionate about environmental conservation. 11. He makes (and performs) up his own piano music and some of it sounds pretty cool. 12. He also makes up (and sings) accompaniment/harmony/sound-effects for primary songs and hymns. 13. His brown eyes look like Scott's. 14. He can tie his shoes the awesome way . 15. He expresses sincere gratitude whenever he feels it. 16. He has a strong desire to choose the right 17. and help others to do the same. 18. He is learning to play the harp! (It's more difficult than he thought it would be.) 19. He has a vibrant and active imagination. 20. He talks easily about...