Every morning, at the start of our homeschool (9:00 am?), all school-aged children gather for morning exercises , possibly one of the most valuable parts of our routine. It serves many functions and in a very short amount of time. During morning exercises, we: * gather together and set the tone for our day's work * listen to, recite, and sing poetry * play games to review math concepts * move our bodies! This is how the routine goes. I used to start by ringing a bell but ... our bell broke. So, now I sing a song to gather the children to the rug. One child will light our homeschool candle and say a prayer to open the day. Then, each child stands up and recites a verse (the same one every day for at least a month), after which I read from A Child's Garden of Verses (a different poem every day). On Friday, the kids pick their favorite poem from the week to hear again. ...