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Showing posts from June, 2014

Midsummer 2014

As Midsummer approached this year, I found myself thinking a lot about change.  The kind of change that John the Baptist advocated when he preached: " Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand ."  The summer solstice, which fell on Midsummer's Day this year, is a turning point in the Earth's seasonal dance.  And I wanted to make it a turning point in my life.  A time to make a change that would help me "prepare ... the way of the Lord" and "make his paths straight". I prayed a lot in the days leading up to our Midsummer camping trip, hoping that I would have the change of heart I needed to make a change of habits .  I had a list of character defects and bad habits I felt particularly discouraged about and hoped that God would grant me the strength to be better.  He did just that but not in the way I was expecting. I didn't really feel like I was receiving an answer to my prayers.  I didn't feel confident about going out into the ...

The Best Things About Sven (at 15 months)

1. I love his smile in the morning. 2. I love how friendly he is. 3. I love the way he climbs into my lap and snuggles me. 4. I love it when he brings me books to read. 5. I love that he doesn't fight me about diaper changes. 6. I love it when he gets measuring cups and pretends (messily) to measure the rice in the pantry. 7. I love that he understands lots of simple requests. 8. I love that he is experimenting with lots of words. 9. I love the way he giggles and smiles in anticipation of impending rough-housing. 10. I love that he cleans up his own toys. 11. I love that he takes two naps a day! 12. I love the way he looks at me when he wants me to chase him. 13. I love how confidently he walks. 14. I love it when he brings me shoes; it's a way of asking me to take him outside. 15. I love to carry him in my baby backpack. 16. I love to kiss his chunky baby cheeks. 17. I love it when he tries to comb his hair or brush his teeth. 18. I love to watch him play w...