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Showing posts from January, 2013

Carl Speaks

Carl is holding up a picture of a big turquoise shape.  He says to me: CARL:  I'm going to tell you a story.  Once there were four versions who lived in a Zelda land.  They were going to save the princess Zelda.  They beat the laughing flaming skulls.  And this dot at the end means "The End." ME:  I like that story. CARL:  Actually, it's not done. Then he goes back to the table to draw more.  I can here him carefully enunciating the title of his story: CARL:  The ... Four ... Ver- ... sions. Can you tell from whence the inspiration comes?

The Best Things About Carl (at 3 and a 1/2)

1. He has a fantastic smile.  But featured here is his "fierce face", which I like a lot, too. 2. He stands up for everyone.  When Soren is angry at one of us, it is sweet to hear Carl say with gusto, "But mommies/daddies are special to our family!"  He also tries to negotiate justice when neighborhood kids get hit or have their toys taken away. 3. He loves to dance, especially to my Harry Belafonte cd.  I am glad we can share a love of Calypso. 4. He mimics writing in his drawings a lot.  Although he doesn't know the alphabet or how to write the letters, he frequently labels his pictures with letter-like symbols and then tells me what they say. 5. He is left-handed.  It makes his dad proud. 6. He has a imaginary friend. 7. He also battles imaginary enemies in the living room nightly. 8. He is friendly and really likes to be around other people.  He likes to go visiting and have visitors. 9. He likes to mop the floors with me and he has fina...

The Best Things About Soren (at 5 years)

1. He is the handsomest 5 year old I know. 2. He often says "thank you" for the housework I do, like cleaning his favorite t-shirt or making dinner. 3. He can dry the dishes and put them away all by himself. 4. He entertains himself for hours making stuff out of paper. 5. He loves to talk about the gospel and has a strong desire to do what is right. 6. He is excited to learn how to do new things.  Right now, I am teaching him to make lunch and he is very proud of his growing knife-skills. 7. He pays attention in primary.  He has a hard time sitting still but he is always listening and is excited to participate. 8. He knows the rules of a given situation and follows them. 9. He is quick to apologize. 10. He often asks me what words mean.  He is always listening and wants to understand everything. 11. He makes me laugh and he knows it.  He often says, "I like to make you laugh" or "I'm funny". 12. He has really thrown himself into learning ...

More than Just Making It

Goals for Soren: * help make lunch every day * learn to manage an allowance * learn to greet others politely Goals for Carl: * do housework with Mom every afternoon * start primary * learn to manage emotional outbursts Goals for Carolyn: * get up(!)  in the morning at 7 am and read the scriptures * spend one afternoon a week on genealogical research * practice harp on free evenings Goals for Mom: * plan and execute the rest of our neighborhood Kindergarten * take the kids outside everyday (unless its blizzarding) * eat breakfast every morning

Soren Speaks

SOREN:  Mom!  I'm playing grade papers!  I'm a young linguist! ME:  Oh? SOREN:  My two students are from the Tyler family. CARL:  And my two students are from the Cowart family. ME:  (laughing) That sounds like fun. SOREN:  Mark Tyler is messing up everything!  He didn't label his boxes.  See?  This is a mess!  He gets a B minus !