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Showing posts from December, 2012

Soren's Fifth Birthday

I can't believe it has been 5 years since Soren was born!  I remember the hospital staff wheeling him into my room, clean and beautiful, small enough to fit into a Christmas stocking.  Sometimes it seemed like he would never be big enough to do anything and now it feels like he has grown up in the blink of an eye. This is what we did to celebrate his big day: 1. My brother and sister came up from Provo to play with the kids all day.  The boys *love* their aunts and uncles, who have loads of energy and enjoy raucous games.  So that was a special treat. 2. The first thing that Soren did when he woke up was make an invitation for his neighbor, Ethan, to come to a birthday party.  I had not planned on inviting any kids over for cake because I thought Soren preferred adult company.  But I guess he knows that birthdays mean having other kids over so he took some initiative.  He wrote the invitation and delivered it all by himself, inviting Ethan (who...

The Boys Speak

CARL:  There is a frog fetus in my throat and at Christmas-time, I am going to get even fatter! SOREN:  Boys can't have a uterus and birth canal.  Your birth canal is between your legs.  But kids don't have them. CARL:  When the frog fetus comes out of my belly, it will be a new member of our family!