1. Last weekend, I pulled out the clothing bins to change our summerwear for autumnwear. And I finally switched Carl into 3T clothes! We dug out all big things Soren was wearing last fall and now Carl is wearing them! He has looked bigger and stronger and more capable to me all week. 2. We are getting ready to celebrate Michaelmas tomorrow, so a lot of my favorite moments this week were preparing for the festivities. Scott repaired the boys' wooden swords and made cardboard shields on Sunday, so that our sons will have all the tools they need to fight evil dragons! Soren and Carl painted their shields as part of our Kindergarten class on Monday. We are keeping the armaments in reserve for tomorrow, when the boys insist that we are going to have a special Michaelmas fight. (I still have no ideas about that.) 3. On Tuesday, we went up in the mountains with our neighbors to collect goldenrod in the hopes of turning i...