I've been meaning to sit down for a moment and write about Carl for months. But every time I think about it, I've been completely overwhelmed. How can I put in words his charming personality, his burgeoning skills, and his diminishing babyhood? And now we pay the price for my lack of vision: months unrecorded and a baby that has grown up behind my back. In spite of this, I do want to remember these precious days. I want to record some of my observations and hold them close (like I can no longer hold my squirming son). Updates: * Carl has been able to sit up on his own for about a month now. * He has been using the pincer grasp for a little less than two months. * He can also pass things between hands (and has been doing this for about 2 months as well). * Because of this, he is a very adept self-feeder. (Or perhaps his desire to self-feed led to the acquisition of that skill?) * Especially at the table, he looks for things he has dropped (demonstrating o...