Dear Soren, This is my favorite age! 8 months old and you are cuter than you ever were, smarter than you ever were, and sweeter than you ever were. If there's a good thing about babies, apply a superlative to it and that's what you are now. And, oh! I am sure it will only get better. The first month, you were pretty unresponsive to the outside world. Your father and I would discuss endlessly your apparent preferences only to find they had no actual bearing you your moods. You did whatever you were going to do no matter what we did. That meant that some glorious days you would fall asleep in my arms, a warm and tiny bundle, an open conduit for my love and devotion. Other times you were inexplicably furious and inconsolable. The second month you learned to look at us and smile. That small change made your extreme mood swings more bearable. You were very particular about what you wanted and I didn't quite know the code, yet. I didn't always get it right but you...